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Sweet Potato Hash


I know I know, FINALLY I’ve added this recipe to my blog. This is probably my most requested recipe on Instagram and believe or not, it’s my most basic one. Seriously, I eat this almost every day for breakfast. It’s great because you can make it in advance, or chop everything up and store it in the fridge.

Hope you all enjoy!

1 sweet potato, chopped (small or big chunks, whatever you prefer)
1 yellow onion, diced
*optional breakfast sausage diced, veggies, whatever spices you like
Extra virgin olive oil, or coconut oil for frying.

Heat up some oil in a frying pan over medium high heat. Add sweet potatoes and onion and cook until potatoes are tender. Be sure to keep mixing it to prevent the potato from burning.


5 comments on “Sweet Potato Hash

  1. CellaFit.com
    April 7, 2013


  2. Christan
    April 14, 2013

    I’m not great with spices. What do u use
    or can you give examples of spices that would be good

    • dieffs
      April 21, 2013

      I usually use cumin and chili flakes when cooking my sweet potato hash!

  3. Pingback: Swee Potato Hash...AMAZING « The Human Lab The Human Lab

  4. Pingback: Swee Potato Hash...AMAZING - The Human Lab El Paso

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This entry was posted on April 5, 2013 by in Recipes.